Electrical Safety Tips

A Few Common Electrical Tips to Avoid Mistakes and Injury As most of us know, when working with electricity, safety is of the utmost importance.  While many small, electrical jobs around the house can be accomplished by the average person, many larger and especially commercial jobs cannot.  The average person is typically unaware of the… Continue reading Electrical Safety Tips

Electrical Tips

Commercial Electrical Tips In a commercial setting, there’s a lot more to think about when it comes to electricity usage.  In a business, there are many more things to consider than in a home, with more equipment, higher voltages and the safety of many more people at stake.  Businesses frequently ask for electrical tips to… Continue reading Electrical Tips

Smoke Detectors

SMOKE DETECTORS AND FIRE SAFETY IN A BUSINESS SETTING     Commercial Requirements and Recommendations According to OSHA Standard Number 1910.164(e)(2), employers must assure that fire detection systems and smoke detectors installed for the purpose of employee alarm and evacuation be designed and installed to provide a warning for emergency action and safe escape of… Continue reading Smoke Detectors